Meet Us
Banu Avcıoğlu was graduated from Food Engineering Department of the Middle East Technical University (METU) in 1997. She completed her master degree in Biotechnology Program of METU (2000) on screening xylanase producing bacteria. She studied molecular basis of genetic resistance of a plant-pathogen (chickpea-Ascochyta)couple relationship in her PhD thesis (METU Biotechnology program 2008). She performed a short-term post-doc study on acetylcholinesterasegene of a insect pest. She worked as patent examiner in between 1997-2003 in the Turkish Patent Institute, as a consultant in an NGO in 2009, and as R&D personel in a biotechnology SME in 2011-2019. She founded EARD in 2019 with the support of Techno-Entrepreneurship Capital Support Program of TÜBİTAK. Besides volunteer studies on nature protection, she has been co-researcher and consultant in other scientific and technical projects.